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- Watch the Conference her

Young people are important change-makers and are essential to building peaceful and democratic societies. 2022 is the European Year of Youth, where we strengthen the focus on youth participation in decision making processes in the Europe. This conference will also kick-start a larger initiative Young Europe – focusing on strengthening young people across Europe in discussing and participating in political processes. We have invited young people from across Denmark and a smaller group of young people from different European countries to participate in the conference and discuss democracy in a digital world with a variety of high-level political decision-makers. The different discussions and recommendations in this conference will furthermore be uploaded to the Conference on the Future of Europe platform, for concrete input on youth participation, democracy, and rights.

Agenda 9:00-10:00:

09.00 Welcome Folk High School Song

09.05 Opening by Nyt Europa and dialouge with Jonas Parello-plesner, Alliance of democracies

09.15 Panel discussion and debate about the challenges of fundamental rights and Democacy in a digitals sphere with Richard Walakira, alliance of democracie, Regitze H Rohlfing-Frederiksen, P.HD Copenhagen Universit, and Lauren Mason, European Youth Forum.

Moderated by Lykke Friis, Director of Think Europe.

Young Europeans face distinct concerns, e.g. war, changing labour markets, climate and ecological crises etc., which impact their current and future lives. Simultaneously, there are signs of tangible challenges to European youth quality of life in areas of personal rights, freedoms, and choice; inclusion; access to advanced education; and in navigating the growing digital sphere. COVID-19 has not only highlighted but enhanced these challenges. In short, now it’s time for the youth to make their voice heard – but it’s also time for politicians and other stakeholders to listen. In this conference we will discuss why and how young people should be listened to and how access to democratic practices should unfold in the coming years. Young people are at the forefront of the digital world, and with the awareness of how the digitalization brings both opportunities and challenges, we will discuss how EU legislation and initiatives can secure the democratic participation among Young People and strengthen Youth Rights.

Agenda: 13-14:30

13.00 Presentation from the workshops and political panel discussion: -

Morten Løkkegaard, RENEW - Mikkel Vinter, Kritik digital - Martin Ruby, Meta

14.00-14.30 Danish Foreign minister Jeppe Kofod

Moderated by Lykke Friis, Director of Think Europe.


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