nyt europa
Nyt Europa ('New Europe') is a non-profit, working towards a sustainable and democratic Europe. We believe that the EU can and should play an integral part in securing a sustainable world, and we are committed to pulling the european community in a more green, more inclusive and more democratic direction.
We work utilising both activism, campaigning, political systemic work and collaborations with other organisations across the continent, as tools for change.
We create public debates, talks, workshops, exhibitions, educational programs, conferences and more in order to initiate and strengthen public participation and knowledge.
Through our previous activities in promoting knowledge and education about the EU we have gained a large international network of youth organisations across Europe. We are a member of European Civic Forum and Volonteurope.
Founded in 1997 by then-member of the danish parliament Steen Gade, Nyt Europa has more than 25 years of experience in European affairs and organisation.
Organisationally we are constructed as a member-association with a working secretariat, a volunteer-board and a volunteer-council, guiding us in change-making.
Anyone, danish or not, who shares our foundational viewpoints can become a member. All members does not have to be in agreement on every subject and we encourage both internal and external debate, as long as it is constructive and helps in increasing awareness on and knowledge of border-crossing subjects.