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tirs. 06. feb.



Gratis kursus i metoden Hope Based Communications som startskud til Europa-Parlamentsvalget i juni 2024. Forstå teorien bag, og få træning i metoden af en international anerkendt ekspert på feltet.


Tid & sted

06. feb. 2024, 09.00 – 16.30

København, Rysensteensgade 3, 1564 København, Danmark

Om eventet

Til juni 2024 er der valg til Europa-Parlamentet. Et valg, hvor civilsamfundets rolle i at sikre en progressiv og engagerende valgkamp er vigtigere end nogensinde før. En valgkamp, hvor vores arbejde for at sikre at alle stemmer får plads og hvor flest har mod på og lyst til at bruge deres demokratiske stemme, er afgørende.

Som et led i Fundamental Rights Initiative inviterer vi derfor til en heldags introduktion og træning i metoden "HOPE BASED COMMMUNICATIONS" fra international ekspert Kristin Dannevig, der udover at være ekspert i metoden har en baggrund i bl.a. Amnesty Internationals internationale afdeling og har ført prisvindende internationale kampagner for flere globale menneskerettighedskampagner.

Formålet med dagen er dels at understøtte civilsamfundets eksisterende arbejde op til valget, og dermed give anledning til og støtte i kampagneudviklingen i de enkelte organisationer, og dels at undersøge hvilke fælles narrativer, der kan skabe den bedste valgkamp på tværs af organisationer.

Mere info følger til januar. Programmet forventes at starte kl. 9 og slutte kl. 16.30 i København. Træningen vil foregå på engelsk, men i tilfælde af sprogbarrierer forstår Kristin Dannevig også dansk.

Tilmeldingen er lukket, da der ikke er flere ledige pladser. 


0900: Welcome and coffee

0930: Introduction to hope-based communications and narrative change

11:30: Lunch

12:30: Facilitated group work focused on applying the method to fundamental rights / a related issues, aiming for narrative change. 

14:00: Coffee break

14:15: Creative group work continues: creating concrete stories or campaign activities.

15:30: Plenary: Share ideas, thoughts, reflections and exchange next steps on using the hope-based approach in a collaborative way.

16:30: Finish

Projektet er finansieret af EU.


Hope-based communications is an approach to narrative and social change communication designed for civil society organisations and activists.

We aim to train and empower people to:

  • Articulate what they want their narrative to be,
  • Define how to bring this narrative to life,
  • Integrate narrative strategy into their daily work.

Key to a hope-based approach is the need to have your own story, rather than reacting to harmful narratives. By establishing what your narrative is, we’ll develop a foundation for more advanced work and help ensure that other work reinforces that narrative.

We want to empower people to be able to work on narratives themselves, based on making five simple shifts. These can be easily applied to help individuals and organisations focus on the social change they want to see, rather than just reacting to threats or opponents.

Hope-based communications operates as a community of independent social change communicators, campaigners and activists. Your workshop will be led by an independent consultant certified in the hope-based methodology.


Kristin is a strategic communications specialist with a background in journalism and human rights. She has extensive experience of delivering strategies, narratives, copywriting and content for clients ranging from grassroots charities and purpose-led companies to creative agencies and the United Nations. At Amnesty International in London, UK, she led on the communications strategy for the 2016-18 global refugee campaign, and helped develop the hope-based communications method. Now a freelance consultant based in Oslo, Norway, she has a particular interest in how positive internal collaboration and shared ownership of strategy can lead to greater external communications impact. 

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