tors. 19. aug.
Dialogue with dr. Bernd Fabritius on minorities, LGBT+ Rights and basic human Rights
Dialogue with dr. Bernd Fabritius on minorities, LGBT+ Rights and basic human Rights.
Tid & sted
19. aug. 2021, 18.00 – 18.30
København, Halmtorvet 11, 1700 København, Danmark
Om eventet
Dialogue with dr. Bernd Fabritius on minorities, LGBT+ Rights and basic human Rights. Dr. Fabritius (CSU) was elected to the German Bundestag in the 2013 federal elections . He served on the Committee on Foreign Affairs, its Sub-Committee on Foreign Cultural and Educational Policies, and on the Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid. On the Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid, he was his parliamentary group's rapporteur on discrimination.
Between 2014 and 2015, Fabritius was also a member of the Committee on Affairs of the European Union, where he served as his parliamentary group's rapporteur on relations with Ukraine and Romania.
From 2014 to mid-2015, Fabritius briefly served as a full member of the German delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, where he sat on the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights and on the Sub-Committee on the Rights of Minorities. Between 2015 and 2016, he served as the Assemby’s rapporteur on the rule of law in South-East European countries. From 2016, he was the rapporteur on the reform of Interpol and the rule of law in south-east European countries.
In June 2017, Fabritius was one of only seven CSU members who voted in favor of Germany’s introduction of same-sex marriage.
The event will be in english
The event is supportet by Europa-Nævnet and co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Program by the European Union.