Talks Beyond Growth: Postgrowth is not a problem but an opportunity
tirs. 14. feb.
💘 No luck looking for love? 💔 Look for a new perspective on the world's most critical economic and social challenges instead.
Tid & sted
14. feb. 2023, 15.00 – 15. feb. 2023, 16.30
Om eventet
We're kicking off our speaker-series Talks Beyond Growth on valentine’s day with a talk on postgrowth presented by Nick Meynen from the European Environmental Bureau. Nick has been involved in environmental justice and system change projects for more than 15 years and acquired a profound understanding the ways in which capitalism cause social and environmental injustice. At this talk Nick presents ways to move beyond the current growth-based economic system and innovative solutions to how we create a more just and sustainable future. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be introduced to ideas beyond growth shaping a more sustainable future. Join us online and be part of the change.
Nick Meynen is senior political officer for system change leading the cluster for economic transition at the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) which is the largest organization for environmental NGOs in Europe. He has been working with environmental and economic justice for more than a decade connecting grassroots struggles for justice with the errors in the economic system. Nick’s opinion pieces appear frequently in the media, and he has published multiple books on these issues. His third and latest book “Frontlines. Stories of Global Environmental Justice” was voted among the top ten books on climate issues by climate activists from around the world. Nick holds degrees in geography, conflict and development, and journalism.
Practical information:
🟠 This talk takes place on Zoom. Link to Zoom will be provided before event.
🟣 The talk is free of charge, however, sign up on is required. Sign up here:
Talks Beyond Growth:
How is the current economic system leading to environmental and social injustice, and how should the system change if we want a safe and just society within the planetary boundaries? Those questions are at the core of this digital speaker-series exploring the interlinkages of capitalism, climate crisis and inequality. Through eight online talks, presented by some of the smartest experts within their field, we put capitalism under the microscope and take a good look at it with through different lenses. We look at some of the current errors of capitalism and introduce some new perspectives on how to address these errors.
Talks Beyond Growth is developed by Nyt Europa in collaboration with Oxfam IBIS and Rethinking Economics DK. A special thanks to Nick Meynen and the EEB. And to CISU and Europa-Nævnet for contributing to the Talks Beyond Growth speaker-series.
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- Foredraget finder sted online på Zoom (link til Zoom tilsendes efter tilmelding).
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