Debate: Green and just transition with EU funds
tors. 25. aug.
EU Cohesion funds supports a broad range of local projects in Denmark such as business clusters and regional business hubs.

Tid & sted
25. aug. 2022, 16.00 – 18.00
Mariager, 9550 Mariager, Danmark
Om eventet
How can EU cohesion funds accelerate a green and just transition?
EU Cohesion funds supports a broad range of local projects in Denmark such as business clusters and regional business hubs. The event will touch upon the opportunities for cohesion funding to support new initiatives that promotes a circular and green economy and a socially fair green transition for the citizens, and discuss barriers/gaps in the funding processes.
Schedule: 16.00: Introductory presentation by Pernille von Lillienskjold, Head of Division, Danish Business Authority 16:10: Panel debate 17:00: Networking and cohesion funded refreshments
The panel features: • Moderator: Jacob Bjelskov Jørgensen, Nyt Europa • Anne Neerup Handlos, Beyond Beta, Copenhagen Business Hub • Hanne Bregendahl Pihl, Head of Projects and Administration, North Denmark EU-Office • Søren Bjerregaard Pedersen, CEO, Hydrogen Valley • Kim Valentin, Member of Parliament (Venstre), European Affairs Committee
When and where? The Political festival of Europe, Mariager | The REAL DEAL tent | Thu, 25 Aug. | 16.00 – 18.00
Why discuss this?
The transition towards climate neutrality cannot be achieved through environmental policies alone. Luckily, EU cohesion policy, which accounts for about one third of the EU budget, supports this process through country-specific investment strategies pinned to the European Green Deal ensuring that projects in all EU regions are aligned with objectives to fight climate change.
In addition to the traditional cohesion policy funds (European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Fund and European Social Fund Plus), the newly created Just Transition Fund will support the transition in regions relying on fossil fuels and high-emissions industries over the period of 2021-2027 helping the regions most affected by the green transition.